Water and wastewater
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About water and wastewater
Considering global warming and low level of precipitations, providing drinking water is a growing crucial challenge ahead of many countries. Iran has 4th place in the matter of worldwide water crisis after Qatar, Israel, and Lebanon. Water is one of the most important factors with a significant role in the sustainable development of the economy and civilization.
Locating Iran in an arid climate zone, low level of precipitation (1/3 of global average), depletion of groundwater resources, and not mistreating wastewater, resulted in increasing the importance of implementing modern advanced technologies and purposefully invest in this industry.
What we offer
Dahi Bondad Co. while having years of experience in this field, have the ability to supply the most advanced technologies to fulfill this demand and facilitate the procedures in every water treatment plant by offering:
- Pre-treatment
- UF
- RO
- ZLD Package
- MLD Package
- Post-treatment
- UV
- Blower
- Mixers
- Ion Exchange Resins

Wastewater Treatment
Water treatment & Desalination
Leachate Management

Ultra Violet Disinfection

Centrifuge Decanter

Liquid and Gas Chlorination

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

RO Membranes

Aeration & Mixing Systems

Polyelectrolyte package

Chemical Dosing Packages

Draf Tube Mixer


SBR Decanter

Turbo Blower

Dosing Pump

Aerostrip Diffuser

Ion Exchange Resins (IX)

SBR Wastewater Treatment Package

Turbo Compressor

Centrifugal Pump

Archimedean Screw Pumps

Automatic Self-Cleaning Filters
We Procure What you need
Additionally, we have the capability of procuring other equipment related to the water and wastewater industry. Please contact our experts if the equipment you require is not listed above so they can assist in determining the feasibility of supplying the equipment you need.
- We have more than 30 reliable vendors from all over the world
- We have specialized departments dedicated to each field
- Our solutions are tailored to the needs of our clients
- We have international projects, high turnover, and a high credit rating for getting projects.

What are our
clients saying
Dahi Bondad rocks!
The best part about Amwerk is that you work with such passionate people who are eager to solve challenges. I love that I get to work with people from all over the world and from a variety of different cultures who are dedicated and enjoy their job.

Dahi Bondad rocks!
The best part about Amwerk is that you work with such passionate people who are eager to solve challenges. I love that I get to work with people from all over the world and from a variety of different cultures who are dedicated and enjoy their job.

How can we help
your business?
You can contact our experts to schedule a meeting for further information regarding the water and wastewater industry.

No.57, Rezaiee St., Derakhti St., Dadman Blvd., Tehran, Iran
Phone Number
+98 21 45 33 8000
+98 904 512 20 77