Vertical pyrolysis centrifuges are a suitable technological solution to complete the separation process performed by receiver centrifuges. Centrifugal separators, with very high rotational speeds, can reach a centrifugal force of up to 10,000 grams. This very high centrifugal force is a key element that allows the separators to remove solid particles that have not been successfully trapped in previous separation steps. In addition, the achievable performance levels depend on many factors: structural (type and design of the disc, internal volume, surfaces and discharge devices) and operational (flow rate, product characteristics, amount and type of solid content, temperature).

The product enters the upper part of the separator through the feed tube for clarification and is then subjected to centrifugal force and is forced to pass through hundreds of internal disks. The combined operation of the centrifugal force combined with the internal disks leads to the separation of solid particles that deposit on the drum wall and are then automatically and intermittently discharged. Fluids rise to the top of the drum and are continuously discharged through free outlets or centrifugal pumps.


A suitable solution for medium and large steppe plants. In fact, it is a system that basically uses fixed and moving lamellae that are equidistant from each other. The distance between the lamellae indicates the distance of the page itself. The step plate is installed inside the channel with a slope of 45 to 55 degrees. The effluent passes through the plate, while the solids are placed on the stairs. The abnormal movement of the moving blades lifts the plates that settle on the fixed blades. The moving parts are moved by a transmission system (and camshaft) connected to a gear motor. The distance between the lamella and the resulting plate distance is 3 to 6 mm. The height of the plate is adjusted for the step plate to be installed in deep channels.