WITT & SOHN Banana Jet Fans

WITT & SOHN Banana Jet Fans

Equipment name: Banana Jet Fans

Brand: WITT & SOHN

Region: Germany

Equipment Type: Fan


Application: Railway & Road


A unique and innovative design that made a dramatic change in cost, energy consumption, and reduced number of fans used. This system is exclusively owned by Witt & Sohn, and tests have shown that changing the angle of fewer than 10 degrees in the jet fan section prevents major collisions of exhaust air that occur in conventional and smooth models, which prevents the flow of exhaust from creat turbulency.


  • Fewer fan jets, lower investment costs on fans
  • Lower power consumption, lower investment costs for the electrical system, especially cabling.
  • If niches are needed, they can be smaller and shorter and construction costs lower.
  • Low operating costs due to reduced power consumption and maintenance of fewer fans
  • Less turbulence of the floor layer of smoke on the roof


Performance schematic


Improved thrust compared to traditional models: